WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY PLANNING COMMITTEE 20/05/05: AGENDA CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE 20th May 2005 10:30am,The Ben Mhor Hotel, Grantown-on-Spey AGENDA Item 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of previous meeting (6th May 2005) and matters arising 4. Declaration of interest by members on any items appearing on the agenda 5. Planning Application Call-in Decisions * Mary Grier, Planning Officer Oral Presentation 6. Suggested Comments on Applications Not Called-In 7. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Coffee Shop and Miniature Whisky Centre Former Tourist Information Centre, Ralia, Newtonmore (Full Planning Permission) (05/118/CP) Mary Grier, Planning Officer Paper 1 8. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Erection of Dwelling House Balmenach Road, Cromdale (Outline Planning Permission) (05/068/CP) Mary Grier, Planning Officer Paper 2 9. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Temporary Accommodation Units Upper Glen Derry, Mar Lodge Estate, Braemar (Full Planning Permission) (05/079/CP) Mary Grier, Planning Officer Paper 3 * 10. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Extension/Conversion of Sun Room for Holiday Accommodation Meadowside House, Kincraig (Full Planning Permission) (05/117/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 4 * 11. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Removal of Section of Temporary Vehicle Access, Reinstatement of Land with Upgrading of Existing Track and Re-forming of Access Bellmouth Shanvall, Glen Truim, Newtonmore (Full Planning Permission) (05/069/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 5 12. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Construction of Artificial Ski Slope and Climbing Wall Hilton Coylumbridge Resort Hotel, Aviemore. (Full Planning Permission) (04/592/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 6 13. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Use of Land for Siting of a Residential Caravan Balnafettach, Cromdale (Full Planning Permission) (04/437/CP) Neil Stewart, Planning Officer Paper 7 * 14. AOB For Information Purposes – Copy of Appeal Decision Notice for Erection of Dwellinghouse and Garage, Land at Lynbreck, Tomintoul Road, Grantown-on-Spey (Renewal of Full Planning Permission) Neil Stewart, Planning Officer 15. Date of next meeting and quorum requirement * Report/Papers to be issued Monday 16th May 2005